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Safe Talk Workshop

Suicide Alertness for Everyone

4 hr
50 Canadian dollars
Location 1

Service Description

Suicide Alertness for Everyone SafeTalk is a 3.5 hour workshop that alerts one to warning signs indicating risk of suicide.  The workshop emphasizes the importance of recognizing the signs, communicating with the person at risk and getting help or resources for the person at risk. Learning objectives  Notice and respond to situations where suicide thoughts might be present  Recognize that invitations for help that often overlooked  Move beyond the common tendency to miss, dismiss, and avoid suicide.  Apply the TALK steps (Tell, Ask, Listen, and KeepSafe) to connect a person with thoughts of suicide to suicide first aid intervention caregivers Audience Ages 15+ Caregivers, volunteers, health practitioners, parents, community youth and adult workers, family and friends, youth, helpers and advisors, elders, educators and ministers, justice, emergency workers and every individual above the age of 15. Participants will receive a certificate at the end of the session

Contact Details

  • 500 Terry Francine Street, 6th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94158


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